Dadarhea CANADA Gallery

If you're in NYC this weekend, check out a wild and crazy group show I'll be in.

Friday February 25 from 6-8pm at CANADA GALLERY in NYC.

"Art Dizzle" / 18" x 24" / mixed media on archival art board / 2011 / By Sam Borkson, Jen Stark & Alvaro Ilizarbe

For this show, our collaboration "Art Dizzle" was made in the spirit of fun, friendship and creativity. The result is a collage of layering and built up craziness. There were no rules and no talking. In the work, we used some pieces of fabric and sequins from our actual costumes in the live Dadareah performance at OHWOW.

The opening night will feature a screening of Dadarhea and a special live performance by Robert Beatty of Hair Police and Three Legged Race, to accompany a video mix by Devin Flynn and Takeshi Murata. Throughout the month, Dadarheans will invite you to participate in a variety of workshops, events and musical performances. In celebration of this premiere and residency, CANADA has printed a special book complete with a DVD of the film!

Dadarheans include: Devin Flynn, Jim Drain, Francine Spiegel, Taylor McKimens, Takeshi Murata , Ara Peterson, Leif Goldberg, Jessie Gold, Bec Stupak, Neil Fazzari, Naomi Fisher, Melissa Brown, Erin Krause, Laura Grant, Brian Belott, Johnny Woods, Rich Porter, Billy Grant, Alison Kuo, Alvaro Ilizarbe, Jen Stark, Ross Goldstein, Trish Riefert, Debbie Tuch, Sam Borkson, Bert Rodriguez, Jeffery Williams, Michael Williams, Marie Lorenz, Annie Pearlman, Seth Cooper and Joe Grillo.

For more information visit in the EVENT PAGE or  CANADA Gallery website.